
Listen Anywhere!

We have many different ministry worship groups that perform during our services. We are committed to God-centered, Spirit-filled worship as we celebrate who God is and what He has done in Christ. Stay tuned with the latest worship. Just press the play botton on the player. If you enjoy one of the songs in the playlist, feel free to click on the song title to download the song.

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Хвалите Бога небес

Redeemed Worship


Olya Rudka

Нас мудрості мама навчала

Olya & Anya Rudka

Свят Бог

Group Worship

Take me into the Holy...

Group Worship

Тільки в Ісусі

Hearts Melody

Бо він живе

Group Worship

Ти непохитна скеля

Sergiy & Lilya Kaplun

Хочу вклонитись Тобі


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